Saturday, March 12, 2011
What acne medication can i use?
so I've always had acne not a lot just mild but now I'm pregnant and my acne medication is no good because the ingridients are bad for d baby. I was wondering if any one knows of any lotions or face washes I can use to control acne whose ingridients won't affect my baby.
Which shoe looks the best?
the second ones ! I like them more =)
I have baby butdiferent?
I have baby but diferent face n blod so it Ny baby
I lost my prescription eye glasses at a friends house and my mom said She won't get me new ones?
Call your doctor and see if he has cheaper frames for you to purchase your glasses. Next time always carry your case around with you. That way if you have your case, you always will remember to put your glasses in there if they are with you. Never put your glasses down. Think back to the last time you saw your glasses. I'm sure you can find them now.
A very serious question about my 5 year old.?
My 5 year old has been misbehaving more often lately, by not listening, talking back, etc. My husband was raised alot differently then me and I do discipline but with love. And he is just constant discipline. He doesn't ever really spend any time with her. He is not biologically her father but her real father was very abusive towards me and when she was about 3 she witnessed him pushing me down a flight of stairs and constant yelling etc. and has nothing to do with her life. My husband says he wants to be her dad but all he really does is discipline, hardly takes her outside, hardly does any activities with her. I know he loves her. I have tried to address the situation to him and how it makes me feel but it just leads to an argument. I don't know what to do, I feel like my daughter is going to start hating him, and is starting to act out more cause shes thinking thats all the attention she is going to get. He thinks hes right about everything and it just ends up getting thrown out and it continues and I hate seeing my lil girl get into trouble constantly, it tears me apart......what do I do? Am i doing something wrong? HELP!!! Oh and to add we just had a baby as well, could that have something to do with any of this?
Older cats Fighting all of a sudden?
they could simply be agitated from the puppy more on this ocassion than usual, or its likely theyve just had an argument, and like people will get over it.
Can anybody suggest me a good gyne in gurgaon?
Hi to all the new moms and dads in gurgaon... :D Me and my husband are also planning for a baby but we are not able to decide upon the doctor. Whom would u vote as the best gyne and best hospital in gurgaon.... Please feel free to share your experiences thanx
How large is this purse?
i was thinking about getting the Hotsy Totsy bag from Vera Bradley.. But i was wondering how big it was.. Im only like 5ft 4in so i want to know if its gonna look stupid.. so if u own that type of bag plz help... thx thats the bag
My 6mnth old baby has a cough n is now runnin a 1oo.o temp..should i take him to the E.R?
Closest hospital is 1hr away!/
Who has killed more babies in the past 10 years democrats (abortion) or republicans (Iraqi children)?
Cindy, your meds and ticket (1st class) to Iraq are all ready. See ya, they don't discriminate against dummies.
Will I be able to get ceramic braces?
My teeth are straight. The only reason I have to have braces is bc my canine teeth are still baby teeth and Im 16. They are going to have to pull them out and hook a chain to them,obviously the chain will be metal but I have seen braces that are clear with clear wire and everything. I was wondering if I would still be able to get these even if I have to get two teeth pulled down. Also,how much more are these than traditional metal braces. Thanks so much (:
Is paranormal activity movie real? They say it is but i dont know?
The girl that walks in to see the baby in the beginning..Ive seen her in a movie before,i wanna say in the 1st one.Even if she wasnt in the first one ive seen her in a movie..If this wasnt fake would she be in other movies? probably not. Which is making me not believe this a real event.
Could any one help me with this damm PSP problem?
Well i have a PSP (Phat) CFW i used the Pandora Battery its firmware was 5.50 m33-4 but i recently upgraded to 5.50 GEN-D (Full), Why you might ask well i wanted to play a game Metal Slug Dubble X, well i got it to work then i DOWNLOADED another game Call Rock Band UNPLUGGED,(Note i do own these games they were so i did not have to carry all of them) i played that for a while then i went to my home on my PSP and into memory and the games that i have DOWNLOADed were Gone. But they still show up when i connect my PSP to my computer there in the ISO folder just not in the PSP could any one help?
My baby is two mon. old i need best vitamins that she could take?
If you breast feed then you need to give your baby some vitamin D. Talk to your baby doctor.
Is it possible to hear baby hiccupping via a doppler at 13 and half weeks?
Last night after me and my partner had sex, he was afraid he'd hurt the baby during it, and so we listening to baby to make sure it was okay. And on the doppler we found the heartbeat really easy, and then we head a frequent double ''whoosh'' sound. I thought it was moving around because we woken it up, but he said it sounded like hiccups. Is it possible it had hiccups?
This is an odd question but how do YOU put on perfume?
I spray it right under my ears (neck region), on my wrists, and actually on the sleeves of the clothes that i am wearing (it adheres to the clothing and lasts for hours). sometimes if i'm feeling bold and really like the perfume, i'll just spray it on the front of my clothes too. hope this helps :)
Dream interpreation ( pleasee)?
I got this dream couple of months ago. There was a massive earthquake n I ran to a big building there was a few people there nun of the phones or anything nearly every1 dissapeared and we were traveling to some where safe n then I think we met up with a bigger group n then while staying in loads of empty building n one of the girl that was my friend her spine lwas really sharp and pointing out and the skin was faling of so was the spines bits of bone falling of aswell I left them for 5 mins n went into another room there was 2 handbags n I took there money out of it bcoz I new that it would become very valuable later on
Guys, what do you think about chubby girls?
Depends on proportionality, if it's all in the right places, it's in fact better than super skinny girls.
Does this sound like my babies diapers are to small?
My son is 5 weeks old. He was born at 9 pounds 7 ounces so he's pretty much always been in size 1 diapers. Lately my son has been having quite a few leaks out his diaper. It's so strange it'll be like he pees all over the place, but yet his diaper is pretty dry. It comes out the back it seems. As far as poop it seems to be staying in there pretty good. Could we not be adjusting the diaper right and that's why it's leaking? We tried a 2 today and it seemed pretty big, but not horribly big. We just have all these size 1 diapers yet that have to be used because it's all open now. Also where should a diaper be hitting? Like should the belly button be covered? Or should it hit right bellow it? Thanks!
Does anyone have "In Living Color" Season 3?
I'm looking for the name of the song played after the "Crazy Tom" sketch. It's on the Season 3, Episode 27 show. The lyrics go "Hey. What's happenin' baby? Aw, you're calling me again? Tellin' me you want to leave me? Girl, you don't wanna leave me...". I would really appreciate this!!
How many hours did you put your newborn (0-3mths) in baby wrap in a day? Will baby have development problems?
I just started to use baby wrap with my newborn (5 weeks old). I have problem putting her into cradling position as she tends to straighten up her legs and body whenever I put her in. I'm trying to put her in newborn hug hold, which her legs and feet are sort of criss-cross. Will it post any developmental problems e.g. feet and legs if I wear her for too long in a day as she is colicky?
Should i sell my psp 1000 on amazon?
i want to sell my psp 1000 on amazon so i could get money for an ipod touch. its the psp phat, its in very good condition except it has a few scratchs wich are unnoticible when playing. i am thinking to sell the psp itself for 100 dollars, which is pretty cheap for a very good psp 1000. or i might sell it with 3 games, a case and charger, memory all for about 200 bucks or less. how much do u think i should sell it form thxs
Condom broke and I had a baby five weeks ago?
Im breastfeeding I have a 1yr old n a 5wk old baby I dnt want another me and my hubby been using trojan estascy they work good and we tried the trojan fire and ice for the first time and it brakes what is the chance of me being pregnant n I full time breastfeed
PSp LCD screen question?
I have two psps, one is a psp phat, and one a slim... the screen on my phat, however, is cracked beyond relief. Would anything bad happen if I were to use my psp slims screen on my phat for not even that long? better question is, would that even be possible? I mainly want to use it so I can make my battery a pandoras battery, but I have to use my cfw phat for that, and, like I said, that can't really happen at the moment.
What is a good pet name for a boy you REALLY like?
Its clear that he likes me back. He calls me babe, baby, sweety, and just started calling me honey.
When you are in a public place like a shop(store) and you hear a ............?
kick the god dam babyyyyyyyyy
Emulator for 1001(phat) psp with 6.34 update?
free emulator plus roms that is really easy and free please thanks!
Is Napolitano, another reason why Obama is OUT in 2012?
Napolitano was in my Arizona this week. I think she came to the Wild Wild West to escape the Global Warming Snow Storm back East. Con Gal and Fraud, Napolitano, said that after touring Arizona's Border towns with Mexico, she feels that they are safe and there is no need to go after Border Jumpers who Rape and Murder. Really Miss Democrat, is phat-so. Since Obama and Napolitano are after Sheriff Arpaio, what did you expect her to say? Well Calamity Jane, you were beat to the draw by Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeau, who gave an Emergency press conference the day before, issuing a Warning to all Border Towns, that Fire Fights with Mexican Drug Cartels and automatic weapons were imminent with in the next 60 days. Maybe the Sheriff should re emphasis the word Eminent for Enema, as Napolitano heads back to the Safety of Washington DC and her heavily armed body guards. As another Democrat Senator told Nevada last week, there will be No Federal Money and Nevada will have to go at it alone. Well my fellow Arizonans, in the Spirit of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, Alice Cooper and Chief Jeronimo of the Apache Nation......let's give the Spanish Invaders, No More Salsa on the Arizona goes at it alone.....
Why is my boyfriend doing this? am so hurt & confused:(?
I think he want to make deep relationship with you.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Why are people so selfish?
WHY do people who can not even afford a trip to the doctor to find out why they aren't pregnant yet trying to get pregnant in the first place? If you don't have insurance, don't have a baby!!
Help me identify this type of gov't system please......just make an educated guess?
Sounds a bit like Cornwall.
What type of drugs would a mother take if the baby was born wityh amphetamines and opiates in it's sysyem?
We are adopting a baby that was born with amphetamines and opiates in it's system. I am not familiar with drugs at all. What kind of drug would the mother be taking to get this mixture to her unborn child. I highly doubt it is prescription, as she would never go to the dr while pregnant.I'm sure it's a street drug one could make at home. I want to do research on this and worst case scenarios we could look for as the baby's central nervous system grows. We love the baby no matter what, but what kind of help could she need? I can only get those answers if I know what drug to look up, I guess. We see a neurologist soon. Just curious, meanwhile. Thanks
Who is hotter apple bottom or baby phat?
no one wears those brands but if i had to pick i would say apple bottom
Why is my chinchilla destroing his own fur?Please i need help?
hello my chinchilla that si 3 years old is picking off his fur now he has none on front legs and neck side i went to the vet and he gave me some spray to spray on his he sems like he is worse then yesterday he stoped eating and i fell like is all my foult i would apreciate if a person that has a chinchilla or is a raiser can help me i am not from usa and our medicie is so diffrent here but i need some real help cause i fell like i amloseing my baby and that makes me so u
How much money douse Russell Simmons have?
Russell Simmons has about close to 1billion considering he owns Phat Farm and he sold Def Jam records. He made very intelligent investments buying a home and that helped him avoid dept .
Khách hàng có thể kiện nhà hàng tội ăn cắp tiền được không ?
Thật bất ngờ khi “vô tình” bị ăn cắp mất gần 1 triệu đồng tại Sushi bar Thiên Quế tại 3A Tôn Đức Thắng. Tối thứ năm sau khi ăn tại cửa hàng, tôi có yêu cầu tính tiền nhưng nhân viên ưỡm ờ, rồi bắt tôi đợi gần nữa tiếng rồi mới mang bill lên. Sau đó họ mang thẻ visa của tôi xuống, thêm cả chục lần nhắc nhở nữa cô ta mới cầm thẻ của tôi lên. Sáng hôm sau, tôi phát hiện thẻ của tôi bị charge tới 2 lần, tức là chúng tôi bị tính phí gấp đôi. Mặc dầu ngay lúc đó tôi chỉ nhận được 1 bill tính tiền. Sau khi gọi điện lên Sushi bar thì gặp 1 cô thu ngân, cô ta có xác nhận rằng đấy là “lỗi” của nhân viên Sushi Bar Thiến Quế và nói rằng sẽ trình với sếp để chờ giải quyết việc này. 2 ngày sau khi chưa thấy tiền, chiều ấy chúng tôi có gọi lại thì một cô thu ngân khác bắt tôi trình bày lại từ đầu. Sau khi trình bày lại thì cô nói vì cô chỉ trực buổi chiều nên cô không biết chuyện gì đã diễn ra cách đây mấy ngày. Xong cô hẹn sẽ chuyễn khoản trả lại tiền cho chúng tôi vào cuối tuần trước. Tuy nhiên, đến nay đã gần 1 tuần nhưng không thấy Sushi bar thanh toán lại số tiền mà tôi “vô tình” bị mất cắp trên. Gọi lại thì không gặp được quản lý. Tôi nghĩ đây là 1 sự lừa dối, cố tình chiếm đoạt tiền của thực khách thanh toán bằng thẻ. Nên tôi không hiểu có thể khởi kiện nhà hàng này tội ăn cắp được không ? Rất mong có được sự tư vấn của quý Luật Sư
How can i get into porn?
how can i get into the porn business and meet phat daddy
Im concidering buying a used PS3 and need help?
its a 80 gb and i think its the phat modle but i need to know how mutch longer the ps3 is going to be in use (like before something new comes out) and i need to know if $115 fo it is a good idea it comes with the game of the year Oblivion, i also need to know if they are still comming out with updates for the phat ones, and can i do anny thing with my psp 1000 with the ps3
Can you tell the sex of a baby at 12 weeks?
I had my 12 weeks scan yesterday and got 8 pictures, one of them is the baby front on with its arms up in the air and its legs wide open, there is what looks like a small penis, i know the sex is developed by now but would it be noticible?
Where can i buy nike air jordan phat 1 LS marine blue in the UK?
try ebay
Latest PSP Custom firmware for fat psp?
It really doesn't matter about the latest custom firmware. It matters about the current one you have and if you are happy about having it. No game or homebrew will require a new custom firmware, they always try to make all homebrews/apps universal to all custom firmware. Thats why its called custom firmware, you chose your firmware and customize it with what you want.
What Material Do you use to make Phat pants? (Raver pants)?
I know how to make the pants I just don't know what fabric is used.
What would you do in this situation...?
No way would I keep the baby and I dont think any women would in this case.
How do I stop my baby crying?
Holding them so their head is near your heart usually works. It worked for my baby sister to settle her down.
PSP fat 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 gen d3?
is it ok to update the custom firmware of my psp from 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 gen d3 my psp i fat or phat.
How can I stop causing traffic jams and being the prettiest girl in the room?
Why is it when you go to the bathroom, your man can't wait 5 seconds before your gone and has to creep over to my table in restaurants, a bar, etc. to get my number? LOL. when I walk into a room it lights up and soooo many dudes come over to hit on me. It doesn't matter if I am at the bank wearing baby phat sweats these guys still try and get my number! ha ha ha. I have been out jogging in my short shorts and tank top and I seen traffic jams happen because of how good I look out there. Guys have almost crashed doing U turns in the street to get my number.
Why do some people think white chicks shouldn't wear Baby Phat?
I <3 Baby Phat.
Where can you buy nike air jordan phat 1 marine blue in the UK?
I don't know where selling at UK, but if you accept to order online. I suggest you can view and order from my trust website
Need to make more effort.......??? finding it hard :/?
I have recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and i no longer feel confident enough about the way i look anymore... my partner has handed me money to buy myself a whole new wardrobe and to get my hair and nails done but i just cant. i dont know why! so anyway id like to find my perfect hairstyle before having it cut and dyed so does anyone know any good website with different hairstyles and hair colours? thankyou xx
Why won't my psp install Prometheus?
I have a PSP1001 (phat) running 5.00 M33-6 and want to add Prometheus 4 to it, but every time i install it, it doesn't work. I downloaded the right version of it and everything, and when i run it on the psp it goes through the installation process then says "Press X to run cfw" or something like that, i do and it reboots. I go to system info and it still says I just have 5.00 M33-6...What is happening?
The song that is at the beginning of waterloo road 9/2/2011?
what is the tune this week when the two girls approach the scool with the baby
Should I break up with my boyfriend?
I'm so confused as to what I should do about this here I am...on a website asking about my relationship ha! So here I go...I have been with my boyfriend Alistair for 16 months now..I am 19 he is 20. We are both love each-other to death. The thing is he has ADHD and it makes thing incredibly hard on our relationship. Like he is soooooooooooo untidy it's to a point that it is revolting. Im not the tidiest person in the world but I like being clean. He is lazy....he hates working, he quits jobs because he is too lazy to keep it up, his parents treated him like a baby for all his life....he gets a lot of money from his parents cause they are loaded and he spends it on stud ****. Anyways he is always checking out girls when I'm right next to him. One time he was with his friend and his friend was driving he actually leaned over in front of him on his side to check out this girl....I feel like im disrespected and he doesn't care that he do the things that he does. The only thing that is keeping us together is love. He has only one friend and he is 110% dependent on me....since he moved in with me and mum he expects me to do EVERYTHING for him....i feel like im his mother all the time.....what do I do guys....the thought of breaking it off brings me to tears cause i Truly love him. what do you guys think??? HELP!
Condom broke and I had a baby five weeks ago?
Im breastfeeding I have a 1yr old n a 5wk old baby I dnt want another me and my hubby been using trojan estascy they work good and we tried the trojan fire and ice for the first time and it brakes what is the chance of me being pregnant n I full time breastfeed
What is the best celebrity perfume?
I want to get my sister a perfume set, I like baby phat but I don't want to get her the same thing I wear, what's a good celeb perfume. Im only looking to spend 25 bucks
How can I get over this experience?
What a traumatic experience! I am assuming the police know this story since they are looking for him. I think it is doing to take a lot of time for you to be able to not be in fear and to trust, which is normal. I think you should surround yourself with people you love and trust as much as possible. Since this threat was made to you that he will come again, I think it is completely reasonable for you to always have someone with you. This is for your safety and your comfort, and I would want to have someone in the house with me at all times. I think you should take some self defense classes to empower yourself and to have confidence that you can defend yourself against an attacker. It would help for you to talk to a counselor, friend, preacher or anyone you feel comfortable with. I hope everything works out for you and you are able to live without fear again very soon.
How to get a wholesale permit?
hi! im really busy with classes so its hard to to commit to a job right now i would like to buy products from whole sale like handbags for example to sell to make a little extra cash but how do i go about getting started??
Career or family life?
oki soo me and future husband to be had a discussion last nite on our married life in the future i said to him i want to be actress or bank accountant and hes like so you would choose your career over me i said no hes like im the man of the house your the woman you should stay at home and cook and make babies i said to him how can we have kids if we wont be able to feed dem hes like thats my problem not urs i said wot if u go jobless hes like ill find another one den he said i love money to much which i dnt i just want a good career ive been working most of my life and believe me its not easy but my heart tells me you can do it and far as kids i want them to have a happy loving life and im only 18 far to young to have them n would want them later in life but i said im ready to scarfice my virginty and career becze i love him but yet again is he really worth it?
Please give me your opinion!?
Lol I personally don't share that with you. But I don't think thats wrong that u have a sense of fashion
Can anyone hook me up with a Party hat or H'ween mask?
There are some that have a lot of these rare items and if anyone is willing to part any color of phat or h'ween mask i would be happy to have it! If you don't want to then thats fine, but i would really enjoy having one if anyone would like to help me out. Thanks you!
What's so bad about the black culture?
In America most blacks that I know are into reading books, listening to smooth R&B, poetry, dance, furthering their education, yet they maintain their culture. Is it because they don't change who they are to be more like white people? If it's so bad why is it that other ethnicities love black made music, copy our slang, try to hip hop dance, and the black culture is known as "cool". We are who we are, I love listening to Neyo, Floetry, I talk using using some slang words, I love books by Zane, I like baby phat and house of dereon clothing, why are all these things defined as ghetto, when I never lived in one my whole life? Why is anything in the black culture defined as ghetto, when most are founded by people who never lived in a ghetto? If loving the black culture is ghetto, fu*k it then call me ghetto. I'm not going to change who I am and what I like.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How do panther chameleon breeders separate all of those babies!?
Well you have to wait 3 months to sell the babies, and they should be separated at four months. Which leaves a 1 month window to sell them. Well what if you have 20 left that you couldn't sell in a month? Does this mean you have to have 20 3' tall cages to put the babies in?
He wants to make our son a junior but his name is very "unique"?
wow i agree with you and how about you have his name as an middle name.
Any company buys USED PVC posters scraps to make handbags in China or India?
Any company buys USED PVC posters (street Posters)scraps to make handbags in China or India?
Acekard 2i Stuck On Loading Screen?
You have to upgrade your acekard 2i in DS Lite or 1.30 and lower vesrion DSi.Acekard 2i have to be upgraded before use it in DSi 1.4.1.
Should America have a revolution like egypt?
I don't know about you but I am sick and tiered of the way we are getting treated-PERIOD-. Please no liberals answer this question. I don't want any supporters of baby killing to answer my questions. btw im a conservative extremist. and fyi it is a human being if they charge you for double murder if you kill a pregnant woman
Can someone help me with my PSP?
I know this might be a noob question but can someone help me in installing a GBA emulator for PSP? I have a Phat with 5.00 m-33 6 cfw. I need to know where to get a reliable emulator for my PSP and how to install it so I can at least play GBA roms on it. I already have the GBA roms. How can I install the emulator? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Phat pants (raver/shuffling)?
use cotton look at pictures of MC hammer at the height of his career, that is your design
How old are Se7en, Mikl, Ance and Phat J from BrokeNCYDE?
They are all 16 sweetheart!
Will a psp 2000 or psp 3000 battery works in psp 1000?
i have a psp phat and my battery died not long ago would a psp 3000 battery or psp 2000 works in psp phat
Can I dye my dark hair red without lightening it first?
Use the red Schwarzkopf Live Color XXL. It will bleach and dye your hair at the same time, so no need to pre-lighten it yourself. It's also fairly cheap compared to other hairdyes available and looks great!
Do you still play PSP (phat)? Will you consider it obsolete once the 3ds and rumored psp2 come out?
I hope they won't be considered "obsolete". Gaming companies make waaay too much consoles on so little time.
Would knitting cables on a project use up more or less yarn than stockinette or garter stitch?
You omit necessary info-- ie- is this for one baby or for trade shop? you only say "some baby hats" However best to make a good job of them and have satisfaction in the result.
Does this dream mean anything?
I got this dream couple of months ago. There was a massive earthquake n I ran to a big building there was a few people there nun of the phones or anything nearly every1 dissapeared and we were traveling to some where safe n then I think we met up with a bigger group n then while staying in loads of empty building n one of the girl that was my friend her spine lwas really sharp and pointing out and the skin was faling of so was the spines bits of bone falling of aswell I left them for 5 mins n went into another room there was 2 handbags n I took there money out of it bcoz I new that it would become very valuable later on
Go with the out fit.... But instead make it a house party with cheetah heels
Do you know Types of handbags?
Could you name me different types of handbags , max 5 or 6. starting with a clutch
PSP 1000 (Phat) Downgrade?
I'm fairly sure a pandora battery can be used to downgrade just about any firmware version of a fat PSP.
Im into "chip shop" and got me a hoodie and I'm sampling all the time, but Im phat.Should i give up mushy peas?
If it's a Chinese take away,make sure you don't get sore finger too.
How do I handle my 18yr old who is jealous of my 10yr old? ?
Most probably ur daughter feels that u don't care about her nor about ur grandchild. U said that u don't feel like a grandma...Look at the story of both parties and not only ur story. Even if u r sick, enjoy the presence of ur daughter and grandchild, and let them feel that u love them. Y don't u allow ur grandchild to enter ur room??? medications??? put them out of his reach... try to find a solution which will join u all and not disperse u. I don't agree at all that u kick ur own daughter out of ur house. What ur daughter is now, is what u made her be in raising her some love and things will change.
Which do you think is better? iPod touch 4th gen 64GB or 320GB PS3 Move bundle?
I just wanna ask because both are in the same price. I have previous versions of both but they are old (1G 16GB iPod touch and 80GB phat PS3) and my PS3's noisy anyway. Which do you think is better? Thanks and happy new year! :)
Should the Queen recognize the granny who stopped a jewelry heist February 7, 2011?
This 75-year-old, who treasures her privacy, welding her handbag to stop a gang of six motorcycle riding thugs who were attempting to commit a "smash-and-grab" robbery in Northampton, England, on Monday. Undoubtedly, this woman symbolizes the best of Britain.
What is the xylophone chords of baby by justin bieber?
a xylophone chord of baby by justin bieber
I need a brown leather handbag.?
I really need a cute new purse thats brown. I really love coach bags like this one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a , but i can't afford it. I want a cute brown handbag under 100, in a chocolate shade. any ideas of where i can find one, or even a particular bag?? it doesnt really have to be real leather, but if its fake i at least want it to look and feel real. thanks :)
What to put in a school hand bag?
wut is a perice? OHH I THINK SHE MEANS PURSE. lmao
Tiger Barb Tank? Stocking?
i would not put in any more fish. your tank is overstocked but the fish should be fine.
Can i get a tatoo while pregnant?
I had sex ( tried conceiveing) about two weeks ago.. Can i get a tattoo done and will it harm my baby if i do become pregnant?
Where to Shop online for Designer bags in Malaysia?
Where to Shop online for Designer handbags in Malaysia?
Stomache tightning,whats happening?first baby so dont no?
ok so im 36 + 1 weeks, iv had the runs twice in the night over a 2 weeks,then on the 1st feb i had a bleed so i was admited to hospital,they said they dont no if its a show or not but everything was fine,baby was fine so not to was partly engajed.went for a midwife check on the 7th feb,she said baby is fully engajed last night in the super market on the 9th feb my belly kept tightening, i could feel the build up getting tighter,tighter than iv ever felt before.then it would relax then it would come back up, this happend for about 20 minutes. it wasnt painful but did slightly take my breath away and it was so uncomfertable. now this morning i feel so so heavy, any idea ladies,should i pack my hospital bag?
Do you like this vera bradley wallet?
I like the wallet in black. Not crazy about the blue. Love the wristlet and bag!
What to take to a concert :D?
im going to my very first concert in april, i know its a bit early to be asking, but just curious :) what do you take, like a handbag or just put everything in your pockets ??? Thankyou !!! :)
Could I Have Conceived? Please Answer?
Me and my boyfriend are trying for a baby so i been trying to have sex while im fertile. the first day of my last period was jan.30th so i was told i would ovulate feb.11th . we had unprotected sex on today which is the 9th and plan on having it on friday too which is my ovulation day. what are my chances of getting pregnant ?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ps3 Slim&Phat Hard Resets ?
I've had the YLoD 3 times. This usually is indicating an HDD error or your PS3 is getting too damn hot. You need to keep it better ventilated. Clean it out by blowing all the holes with canned air and vacum it. If it fails you can do two things. 1-Have it repaired by these or dyi using this guys method. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a 2-Call Sony and have your numbers ready with a notepad. Go to and navigate to the PS repair. They will send you a referb PS3 but it will last longer than method two If you are sure it's a hard drive failure then just buy a new 2.5" 5,400rpm hard drive from I slammed in a 500gb just for kicks. Try this one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a If it happens more often after it happens the first time in a day then your PS3 is probablt becoming fried.
Does this mean my sex drive is low and that I have ed?
I'm never horny and never wake up with morning wood but I masturbate when im bored I have to watch foot fetish porn to get a erection.And it only last like 2 min if I don't touch it and it will go down if I don't constantly jerk it.And also regular porn doesn't turn me on anymore when I was like 14 I would get so hard it would actually hurt.But when I turned 16 I could only keep it with stimulation.But yesterday this phat butt girl walked in front of me and while she was walking her butt was jigglin and I got a erection.Do I have ED.I also was diagnosed with a 5mm pituitary micro adenoma.I'm also 20 years old.
Why has my mum bin lying to me?
Okay so today i was in her room asking for this pc i wanted (you'll see what pc i want in my other questions) and she just laughed and to me thats like "Oh i dont have enough for that" so im like "We'll see about that" i didnt say that to her but i was tempted to, But guess what i found when i went through her handbag....DUN DUN DAA a **** load of �10!!! :S i know shes been saving up for a car a long time and stuff and she doesnt want me to go out and work because im apparntly to young and whatever thats probably a lie i suppose but this is BS, she cant lie to her own kids!! its ******* wrong!! im mad now and upset and i dont want to believe her anymore, and believe me this isnt the first time she lied to me about not having enough money for something i want, My sister and brother get what they want but im always last which pisses me off because im the most loyal in my family and my brother is fat and does nothing and he gets paid for it, My sister throws a fit and swears at my mom and she still pays her! and my sister has work that pays her so correct me if im wrong SHES GETTING MORE THEN ENOUGH!! god damnit it just pisses me off because i feel like im left out since i have no interests like my family has, And i need help I dont know if my mom has just bin lying to me or anyone else but it only seems she picks on me and i dont feel to well about her lying and really i dont know if i want the PC anymore because my dad wont pay for it My mom DEFO wont pay for it since she keeos lying and well i got no body else to turn to I need help please :(
A medal for the little old Northampton lady with the lethal handbag?
I would have phoned the cops, but the news were wrong to criticise the people who helped out only after she chased them and two couldn't get back on the mophead. Nobody knew if they were armed or not. It isn't sensible to tackle somebody smashing up a jewellery shop. Medal more like 10k from the shop she saved from being robbed and having their insurance premiums go up.
Which shoe do you like better?
The first ones. The second ones are way to plain.
Does this handbag look age appropriate for a 25 year old woman?
Coach is a great brand because they cater to people from 10 to 100! This bag is versatile and stylish and will last you a long time. Go for it!
Funny/Punny names for baby chickens?
We are getting some baby chickens from school, and i want a really good, punny (yes, i mean punny with a 'p') Plays on words and generally funny names are also welcome
Why does Europe always have the edge over America when it comes to fashion?
In Europe, there are lots of different styles of dressing but in America, everyone seems to be wearing Gap, Banana Republic, Rocawear or Baby Phat. If you take an European and an American and stood them next to each other, it would become obvious that the European will have a better dress sense than the American. Also, New York is considered a fashion capital... Really?
My husband and I fear for our sons girlfriend health ?
I and my husband are concerned about my sons girlfriend 17 she is 3 months pregnant with our sons child. My son died in a car accident he was 19 one week after he death his girlfriend found out that she is pregnant. I fear for her health and the babies health because she doesn't do anything all she dose is stay home and cry all the time and hardly eats anything he old brother tells us. My husband and I try everything to help her she just doesn't have interest in anything she also quite school. We lost our son but I know that it is harder for her because her parents were killed in a car accident when she was 13 she lives with her brother and he has taken a few months off work because he is really scared to leave he alone. We don't want her to feel like she is alone my husband and I will always be there for her no matter what. I need some advice? I don't know what to do to help her? We don't want to see her hurt she is like our daughter and we love and care for her. My husband wants to have nurses care for her 24 hours a day. We just don't know what to do? �
What are necessities when it comes to everyday bags? And what are common problems with handbags?
For me, the organization of the bag pockets/sections is definitely the biggest necessity/problem. I don't like too many sections or little pockets, but there should be some division within the bag. Also, whether the bag is carried by hand or on the shoulder matters a lot too. The bag shouldn't be sliding off my shoulder if it was meant to be worn on the shoulder, right?
Why is my boyfriend doing this? am so hurt & confused:(?
stop asking this inane question ! yeah he is going to send you a valentines card with your question inside it
Do you think this BABY PHAT PURSE IS CUTE?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Would you call this depression?
My mum and dad were never there for me. My mum went back to work when I was a baby. She never bonded with me as I was growing up. My didn't didn't play with my either. My sister and brother are mean to me. I don't like who I am. I hate looking in the mirror. I hate going out, I'd rather stay home. I don't ask for much at all, and though i get very little. I get called a freaky by my brother nearly every single day. Nobody in my class really likes me. I hardly ever smile because nothing brings joy to my life. I get criticized for doing that. I cry at least every week for no reason, just that my life sucks. I've found out I have depression, but I won't tell my parents because they won't take it seriously and think it's a joke. For my birthday, I'm getting nothing. I just want somebody there to comfort me, somebody who will be there for me. But in my world, I have noone.
8 or 18 cuz you wanna make babies alreayd at 8??
Does this mean my sex drive is low and that I have ed?
I'm never horny and never wake up with morning wood but I masturbate when im bored I have to watch foot fetish porn to get a erection.And it only last like 2 min if I don't touch it and it will go down if I don't constantly jerk it.And also regular porn doesn't turn me on anymore when I was like 14 I would get so hard it would actually hurt.But when I turned 16 I could only keep it with stimulation.But yesterday this phat butt girl walked in front of me and while she was walking her butt was jigglin and I got a erection.Do I have ED.I also was diagnosed with a 5mm pituitary micro adenoma.I'm also 20 years old.
POLL: In your opinion, Do you think that beauty pageants are harmful?
i am doing a persuasive speech on it. i am very strong on my opinion, and almost done with the speech, but i was just made me think, and i was kinda curious to how other people would think also. do you think its harmful? i am talking all ages here. from babies to women. just curious. give your side and why you think they are harmful or not and why.
Is this real or authentic coach handbag?
how should we know?
How can I play PSX games on my PSP1000?
I have a PSP1000 (Phat/Fat) currently running on Version 5.51 and I wanted to know the easiest way that I could play PSX games on it from Isos whether it be making it have custom firmware or something else. Links would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
I dont know who my baby daddy is.?
I am married to a man I detest(call it due to family pressure). I regret it every day of my life, but what can I do, I can't leave him(though that's what I want the most). U see, I come from a very traditional home. The marriage has turned me into what I detest the most, a cheating wife, but dats d only time I eva have any semblance of happiness and I actually feel alive. Now, I'm pregnant and I'm not sure who my baby daddy is. You see, I saw my period on the 14th or 15th of Nov. Slept with my hubby on the 26th of Nov, but equally had unprotected sex wit my lover on the 1st of dec. 2 wks later, I started having pregnancy symptoms. Had 2 home tests and 1 at the hospital, all negative. On the 22nd of dec(11 days late), I saw my period, but it was not the usual flow. But I figured I was not pregnant anymore and went on with business as usual. Since then I've not seen my period and when I was ovulating(assumed I ovulated btw the 1st of jan and d 6th of the same month), I slept with no one. I slept with my boyfriend on the 17 of january. I've done 2 pregnancy tests and a scan and I'm pregnant. The scan only showed a gestational sac(that's the first stage). Please can anybody help me. Could I have been pregnant all along, since december. please I need to know, not cos I care what my husband will do, but cause of the shame I will face. If I conceived in dec, I will be ok with it, but if I conceived in january, then I can't keep the baby, cos it will be so obvious that the baby is not his. I hope to leave my husband one day, but I need to be stronger first(to face whateva issues might arise with my family wen I divorce him).
Have a Little Faith In Me - What do the lyrics mean?
pretty self explanatory.....
X rays and pregnancy?!?
There shouldn't be no problem, the radiation from x-rays pass through the body pretty quickly. My advice though, to be on the safe side, you should think about calling your doctor and asking him or her. On the other hand do know x-rays can be very harmful for the baby while pregnant. I'm a mother of five and once was told they couldn't do an x-ray while i was pregnant.
PSP error - This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted - Semibricked?
i think there should be help at psp-vaut forum's
Unsure of when I fall pregnant?
I definitely think it belongs to the new guy. You probably got pregnant in late October. I got pregnant in Mid October and am due in June, so you had to have gotten pregnant after me.
NRHH: What clothing brands did you wear in the early 2000s?
Southpole was kinda my thing..... and jogging suits too. with a head band. :|
Will a 60gb PS3 HDD work in a 160gb PS3?
my 60 gb PS3 died on me... (RIP) will the 60gb hdd work in a 160gb PHAT PS3? I want to get the data off of it and onto the new HDD? please help
Going shopping in 20 minuits. help please? what to put in bag?
money . fone . makeup
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Why is my boyfriend doing this? am so hurt & confused:(?
That doesnt sound like he's trying to break up with you. It just sounds like he's got a surprise for you for valentines day.
POPPY Coach Purse for MOM??
No, that is a very classy purse. I think your mother will love that purse.
Where to buy Shuffle pants?
You can buy the Smurf Characters Shuffle Lounge Pants here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
I upgraded my PS3 to 3.55 CFW, I keep getting an error trying to install homebrew?
I installed CFW on my PS3 using the FailOverFlow exploit. I have a 60 GB PS3 phat and installed the 3.55 KaKaRoToKS CFW. I got to where it said Install Package Files to try to install MHU Free Store PS3. When I click to install, I get an error that said "An error occured during the install operation (80029567)". What is causing this and how can I fix it?
Alcohol and early pregnancy?
You're good lady :). I found out I was pregnant two days after a VERY drunken new years, and just had a beautiful baby girl four months ago with no problems :). Just take it easy now and it'll all be good :) congrats!
What should i look out for when buying a used PS3 "Phat"?
hey guys, i am looking at buying a PS3 off a guy just down town from me and i was wondering what i should look for to ensure im getting (a)bang for my buck and (b)a quality used item. your help is appreciated guys, thank in advance!
Poll: what nicknames do you like or not like?
If your girlfriend or boyfriend gave you a nickname(s) which of them did you like or dislike/hate? For example, sweetie, hon(ey), cutie, baby, etc.
"Prathana?" OMG, help, please!?
Why dont you just use her initial P and pick a name that starts with that, she is more than just a name surely??
What does PHAT-ll (GSR) mean on my bass guitar ?
Not the stupid slang word meaning
Which bag would you choose for a 25 yr old - just based on style?
I like the first one -- looks like it'll hold more stuff.!
Where can i download these songs from step up 2?
Why do nightclub DJs only use Apple Mac computers to lay down da phat beatz?
probably bcus apple macs look a bit cooler than ur average windows pc...
How do i update custom firmware on my psp?
Hello! I currently have a PSP phat that I'm looking to upgrade the custom firmware. I'm currently at 5.50 GEN-D3. I've been out of the scene for a while. What is the latest custom firmware for this unit and where can I obtain it please? Thank you!
How can I get over this terrifying experience?
I hope he gets you for good, next time.
What a good site to install pandora in psp phat?
can anyone tell me a good site to patched a battery into pandora mode and would it work if ur using ac adaptor
Is the normal bleeding on the contraceptive implant?
i had the implant fitted 7 weeks ago and ever since i have been having some bleeding and heavy brown discharge will this settel down? I have a 10 week old baby and feel like i have no energy due two bleeding all the time any advice? Xox
Monday, March 7, 2011
Is cloth color important when approaching my iguana?
just curious. my baby male iguana is more conmfortable around me than when I first got him,. but he still runs when I try to catch him Just wondering. Is the color of my clothes important? I know in nature for example, that red means danger etc
How much would a 9 month old phat PS3 80gb be worth?
Rarely used in good condition, Gamestop said they would give me $90 cash or $120 store credit for it but surely its worth something more?
Mothers and their baby??? curious question?
omg it's getting late now go to sleep
Do girls carry oversized handbags to uni?
what other types of bags to girls carry, do they carry things like bowling bags?
Where can i buy a Taylor Swift baby Taylor guitar in Singapore?
where can i get the guitar in Singapore? i preferably do not want to purchase it online...
I had a dream and woke crying?
this night i had a horribnle dream. i had a dream that i had my baby and soon after the doctors killed her saying she was too small. but she was fine i saw her she was beautiful and glowing. they called me to see her one last time while she was alive i had no idea wat was going on and as i walked into the room she was smiling and they injected her to kill her. i felll soon to get her when i grabbed her i talked to her body telling her its ok because allahu akbar knows everything i told her allhamdu liallah she was going to be with god. and that she'd feel no pain anymore. when i had the baby i did not know because i fell asleep i think and they took her in a c sectioni woke up to an empty stomach. before this dream i constantly talked about wanting to not have this baby hoping for a miscarriage but now i cannot stop crying. does anybody know why i had this dream? i am really upset now and cant stop crying. thank you
Why are people so concerned about breeding only 100% perfect & healthy dogs yet...?
Because different evolutionary trips made us look different we weren't inbred to have a particular trait... I think a lot of muts are healthier and live longer as well as are more aesthetically pleasing! Any doggie nazzi who says different is just being small minded
Ex bf situation... please help me 10 points to the best answerer!?
don't answer his calls and if he comes don't answer the door..if he causes trouble tell him you're calling the police..if he doesn't leave then call them. Tell him goodbye and no hard feelings but PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The longer you allow him to manipulate you the hard it will be for him to leave, which it sounds like it has already gotten to that point. Put your foot down girl and don't be used! He sounds like trash to use you like that and YOU DESERVE BETTER!!! Tell him peace out and to not call/come around anymore. If you can have his # blocked from your cell / phone.
Been using the pull out method for a year now?
I stopped taking birth control awhile back, and my boyfriend and I never really use condoms anymore. We've been using the pull out method for a year now and I'm surprised I haven't gotten pregnant yet. I don't want a baby right now but It wouldn't be the end of the world if I did fall pregnant ( I'm not underage, and can support a baby ) Just want to focus on college right now. So basically my question is why haven't I gotten pregnant yet? Does this " method " really work? Is it luck? Or could there be something wrong with me? Thanks in advance! :P
Which shoe looks the best?
The second pair of shoes from air-jordan-shoes,us,if let me choose,i will select the air jordan retro phat premier shoes.
What would you girls think if a feminine guy used a handbag for school?
im 16 years old and gay and im known as quite a femine guy - people know i use makeup (foundation, and powder - not actually lipstick and mascara :L ) -. i used a male handbag at school today, but i held it like satchel cos i was scared what people would think! however i really want to hold it like girls hold it (ie. arm through handles and hanging from shoulder). My girl friends say it will be fine, but im wondering what other people (girls and guys) would think of a gay guy having a handbag and holding it how girls do? thanks xx
2 weeks ago my 7mnth old babies dr tld me that he has signs of RSV.he said 2 cme bck if it gets wrse. wel ?
The symptoms never really went away but never got any worse til 2day.he broke a lil fever really congested n stuffy.Wen he sleeps he forgets 2 breathe sumtymes and he's a lil wizzy.he's fever is starting 2 cme bck a Lil. Can this be RSV or jus a cold? I've been giving him baby taleno with acetaminophen n it
Why all the sudden black people are wearing polo?
Umm I hate to be one of those people who give you a stupid comment and not an answer...buttttt seriously??? umm im pretty sure there is no answer for your question. its all in what people want to do. dont post a question which can not be answered and expect an answer...
A great midi controller for under $500.?
I'm getting into the whole "home studio" scene and I have a keyboard (older) but it's annoying with it's "touch sensitivity" I need to really hammer out chords and such to get it so I can actually hear it and it's hard to have everything sounding the same most the time. I just want a keyboard with many buttons and knobs to be able to really mess with my sounds. I don't really need built in sounds as I only really use vsts, so that's not important... unless it has some really phat pads :P then that's okay. I use the editing program Reaper, so, i don't know if there's any keyboard that would be good to use with that. I'd like to have a lot of keys, but, if the octave switch out is easy I don't mind a desktop friendly area fit..... thank you!
Anyone seen this movie "Phat Girlz" ? Is it woth watching?
I have not seen it.Though I have heard that it is not worth it.
Im Confused About Apple Bottoms Jeans/Baby Phat Jeans?
do they lift butt or are they regular jeans??
How much should I ask for repaired NDS's?
R4 Card can help you play more games downloaded from internet with cheap price as I got one from ibuyvideogame on line shop.
Has anyone noticed emo kids are wearing baggy clothes now?
I just starting noticing this amongst the emo kids at my local high school. Instead of drainpipes I've seen them wearing baggy and phat pants, also oversized hoodies too. It's something I've also seen popping up in the rock scene in general, it's just weird seeing emo kids doing it. Anyone else notice?
Depressed and no where to turn :(?
I have GREAT advice for you. Be patient. Dont just jump into having a child because you are bored. I'm 22 also and I'm in the Army. I'm from Missouri but got stationed in Alaska. I got married to my high school sweet heart and she ended up coming up there to. She was in the same exact situation you are in. She knew no one here, had no friends, and all her friends in missouri were fake to her. Even if they werent she was to far to see them. She pretty soon wanted a kid and said all the same EXACT things you are saying now. She would say Im so ready, Im so motherly, blah blah blah. She convinced me and we had a baby girl. Dont get me wrong I love her to death and would do anything for her. I dont regret her one bit, BUT you soon realize how much work a baby is. Trust me you dont really know untill you do, a lot of people just think they do. They are expensive as hell to and if you guys arent even able to afford your own place yet I would seriously reconsider you decision. Also my wife and I miss out on a lot of the fun things normal 22 year old couples could do becuase we have kids. But overall its your decision, best of luck to you :)
I need persuading again to get an android phone because...?
Droid x. i just got mine like a month ago, signal is GREAT. its seriously the best, it doesnt lag either. everything loads perfect like its supposed to do and ive literally like ran the screen up against cement and its still as shiny and perfect as the day i opened it =) the only downside is the data pak. but you want the 30 dollar a month with unlimited internet =) because it rockkkksssss. also, for an extra 20 you can be a wifi supplier to up to 5 devices. its fabulous =)
Where can i buy cheap phat pants?
try ebay. maybe amazon.
I get angry of my mother in law, what should I do?
My mother in law is 65 year old woman, always sick and nagging...DRAMA queen, she uses her weakness and life suffering stories as weapons to say and do whatever she likes because she's poor and old...My husband pays her rent + gives her money and I DON"T CARE about that as long as she's away, but that seems not enough, she doesn't like to see me happy, hair done, wearing new cloths or going out or going to my mom's house, she dosen't like my husband to pamper me and spend money on me, she always reminds about a gift she makes to humiliate me, she even called on honeymoon at 6 am in the morning at my wedding she cried all the time, when my baby was born instead of good wishes she said to my baby, " You came to this terrible world full of worries and sadness you will wish to go back to you mom's womb"!! and later she bought gift and came to make it up to me.,..Whatever I say it's wrong. whatever I talk she talks the reverse...She stares at me when I wear something nice, when I was in the hospital after giving birth she started to say stupid things like don't hold your baby! she will get used to holding (imagine after 9 months of waiting I had to hold my child) she kept arguing with me in my weak moments and pains that I should keep my baby crying at night and not hold her to train her to self soothing. She even ashamed me infront of my guests many times, she said that my baby hair will fall eye color will change when she was just born, and none of that happened...Now after few fights with my husband I barely see her once a month but even that visit she spreads poison in her innuendo way and by appearing kind...She makes me understand her mean thaughts in an inderctive way and me all the time I feel speachless and angry cause whenver I answer she says Oh you are getting it that way or even she seems cool and uneffected and don't even listen to what I have to say...Her daughter now is 46 year old and she compares the childhood of her daughter with mine that it's still 6 months old...She never says a good word, when I cook delicious foods and invite her she never says it's tasty she just brags about her daughter and her grandchild (the daughter of her daughter) that's 12 years old she always comapres her with me imagine me 29 years old, that's annoying and stupid, I should ignore her but I can't I'm starting to hate her :( when I breastfeed my child instead of saying bravo she says wait that's nothing the other wife got more milk and gave her baby till 1 year and half (PS I am still breastfeeding) and she never did to any of her childs, the other day I was saying to my baby say mama and she heard it and said don't bother the first word should be daddy not mom ofcourse...and I always take good care of my husband and invite her to please him just because I love him he is on my side but he tells me to consider her as a big baby or a weak person and to ignore everything beacause she dosen't mean any of her sayings and has lack of mental abilities...(But I think she's smart and evil) + She somehow effects him over her old thaughts and beleifs...Again I'm starting to hate her:( what shoud I do...There's Much more but if I write it all I will write a book...
My son was killed in a car accident a week after his girlfriend found out that she pregnant?
I and my husband are concerned about my sons girlfriend 17 she is 3 months pregnant with our sons child. My son died in a car accident he was 19 one week after he death his girlfriend found out that she is pregnant. I fear for her health and the babies health because she doesn't do anything all she dose is stay home and cry all the time and hardly eats anything he old brother tells us. My husband and I try everything to help her she just doesn't have interest in anything she also quite school. We lost our son but I know that it is harder for her because her parents were killed in a car accident when she was 13 she lives with her brother and he has taken a few months off work because he is really scared to leave he alone. We don't want her to feel like she is alone my husband and I will always be there for her no matter what. I need some advice? I don't know what to do to help her? We don't want to see her hurt she is like our daughter and we love and care for her. My husband wants to have nurses care for her 24 hours a day. We just don't know what to do?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Do you think my baby will hate me if i give him up for adoption and finds out that i kept my other son?
Who is now 3... I am 6 months pregnant?! And need help and answers
Can you put a ps3 hard drive into a Xbox 360?
No. Go buy a 360 hard drive, or convert a hard drive from your computer into one that can be used in your 360. Probably too complicated for you.
What would you girls or guys think if a feminine guy used a handbag for school?
im 16 years old and gay and im known as quite a femine guy - people know i use makeup (foundation, and powder - not actually lipstick and mascara :L ) -. i used a male handbag at school today, but i held it like satchel cos i was scared what people would think! however i really want to hold it like girls hold it (ie. arm through handles and hanging from shoulder). My girl friends say it will be fine, but im wondering what other people (girls and guys) would think of a gay guy having a handbag and holding it how girls do? thanks xx
Account transfer in runescape?
I would say do it before they make it bannable so you can have a appeal or whatever if you get banned.
Has anyone used [replica supplier]?
I didn't know that supplier .Cos there are so many replica suppliers in China .Not matter you need jerseys or bags or shoes ,you can go to to check .There are so many products .I often order from there
How do i dress ghetto for a party?
for my friends birthday party she's doing a ghetto theme and my bf is going as a gangster so i want to be his wife. everyone says go to baby phat or apple bottom what do you think.
Complicated ex bf i wrong? 10 pts best answer.?
Obviously this guy is cheating on you. No girl wants that out of her man, she wants to feel as if the special one. So dump his bum, I'm sure your beautiful so you'll find someone else much better. Anyway, keep away from him and tell his butt to walk himself where he needs to go, take your car and live your life.
I have been having pain in just one spot of my breast for 2 year now, i have done mamogram which say?
i should do another one in a year time which was due 4 months ago but then i was pregnant and now breastfeeding my baby, though the pain still persist on that same spot (non cyclical but not on a daily basis, most times weekly or two weeks interval) and few itches after wearing bra for more than 12 hrs, no lump, am 34 years, no history of cancer in my family but confused, should i go for another mamo while breastfeeding or could it be something else
If I like Iggy Pop, especially I Wanna Be Your Dog, who else plays like his band/influenced by his music?
I am catching up on some pre-2002 music if I can. I am a 90's baby, not sure if that helps or not.
Where can I watch....?
Hey, right I want to know how I can watch Phat Girlz free online without downloading before hand please tell me asap i really wanna watch it thanks <3
Why is my boyfriend doing this? am so hurt & confused:(?
yes you did ask this before, it dont matter that Valentines Day is nearly here - anyone calling for a break/time to think is evaluating the relationship. i dont know why he has done this? you may know but it dont sound good to me
Knitting: How do I increase stitches in my last ribbing row?
I'm making a baby hat. I cast on 56 stitches and was supposed to do 8 rows of knit 2 purl 2 ribbing. I did that without any trouble. Now they want me to increase the last row by 8 stitches for a total of 64 stitches. How would you go about doing the increases? (I am using double point needles, but I don't think that matters).
What do you think of the 'supergran'?
I take my hat off to this lady, its just a shame that the men standing and watching, were only interested in taking pictures and videos of the incident.
What is this kind of sleeve called?
they are puffed sleves
I had a dream and woke up crying?
this night i had a horribnle dream. i had a dream that i had my baby and soon after the doctors killed her saying she was too small. but she was fine i saw her she was beautiful and glowing. they called me to see her one last time while she was alive i had no idea wat was going on and as i walked into the room she was smiling and they injected her to kill her. i felll soon to get her when i grabbed her i talked to her body telling her its ok because allahu akbar knows everything i told her allhamdu liallah she was going to be with god. and that she'd feel no pain anymore. when i had the baby i did not know because i fell asleep i think and they took her in a c sectioni woke up to an empty stomach. before this dream i constantly talked about wanting to not have this baby hoping for a miscarriage but now i cannot stop crying. does anybody know why i had this dream? i am really upset now and cant stop crying. thank you
How/When did you learn about sex? (and how babies were born, etc.?)?
I learnt from an erotica book when I was seven. Good times.
Which shoe do you like better?
Depends on what you wear them with. The all read ones might be easier to match with more clothes.
How can I get over this terrifying experience?
I would not witness that and just call the cops. I would put my life on the line and tackle the guy. I hope you get better.
Runescape- what rares do people want for party hats?
try the rs forums instead of yahoo answers, you can do a quick check by asking on the item forums where p hats are at in price... should probably get you better and faster results than this, though, with free trade possibly coming out, you may want to wait, as edibles and other lesser rares will lose pretty much all value.
Paternity Test: Why won't my baby's father to give me a paternity test for our 15 day old daughter?
He refuses to give me a paternity test but he has told people that she is not his. So when I suggested a paternity test he told me that he will never give me a test. Why won't he give me a test? But he wants to call and check on her! I asked him, why would you be concerned about a baby that you say isn't yours?
♥ How many hours apart do you feed your 8 - 9 month old baby?♥?
i think it should be fed evey 3-4 hours.......
Is my breast average for me?
I'd say average. Don't be self conscious. You are who you are. You'll never be able to change it. Be comfortable with who are you (:
PS3 Backwards Compatibility help? Easy 10 points?
Ok so my PS3 60gb just broke. I got refunded and could go buy a Slim but i love the backwards compatibility. Well on my friends 40gb phat, it had an add on called PS2 System Data. It says it wont work on this model but what does it do? Does it allow B/C on the slim? and btw the only PS2 games I really need to play are Okami, the Kingdom Hearts games and some others. So can anyone tell me the point of it if any? thanks for any good feedback!
How much is this psp worth?
ok I'm gonna sell my psp 1000 phat with 1gb memory stick, 3 games, 3 movies, 2 cases, screen has no scratches (screen protector), unnoticeable scratch on silver circle thing on back, USB cable, driver software, and ac wall charger and a buddy of mine wants to buy it for $110 so should I charge him more like $160 or more?
Where can I buy a Sony Refurbished PS3?
An original BC 60GB Phat. where can I get one that was refurbished by sony?
Tenor sax jazz improv advice?
I've played in a lot of all-state band events, and i'm considered to be one of the better players in my band, but when it comes to improv i'm totally confused. I really want to do a solo on "Act Your Age" by Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band for my band but I don't know where to start...any advice?
Rate mii rap 0-10? I need your feedback ASAP?
9/10 tight man if you need some Platinum rap beats or free rap beats hit me up
OH how my Fiance is annoying me.?
His last name is Holmes, so he wants to name the baby Sherlock Holmes. I want to kick his butt. I love him, but he is obviously insane. what should i do? he thinks David is a boring name, and i like the name Luke, but he insists that the babies middle name should be Skywalker. GRRRRR! men.
Is there a good web site with info on the best things for me to eat while breast feeding, for baby's comfort ?
His Tummy is hurting alot
Whats The Difference About These Kinds Of Jeans? 10Pts?
Whats the difference between push up jeans and baby phat and dereon jeans??
Hypothetically speaking, where and for how much can one sell a healthy white baby?
US/Canada preferred.
How to accesorize school uniform.?
OK first of wtf is your schools problem??? Second, maybe you could try styling or dying your hair a different color, maybe you could wear a different kind of shoes and add stickers or draw on them? Hope this helps ;)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
What brand & kind of handbag was the main girl character holding everyday in Summer x Summer Taiwanese Drama?
In Summer x Summer, the main girl character was holding a big black bag with a big logo/picture on it. What brand and kind of handbag was it? I really want to know lol I think my attention was on the bag for 1/4ths of the drama. =]
My son has a hot/red/firm rash moving up his body from his leg after hiB/menC immunization?
Take him in, these things can takeover rapidly
BrokenCYDE is the worst band ever?
for a band u dont like u really took your time to write all these lyrics, actually they are a band i love to hate and hate to love,
This girl told me shes starting to get attached to me,and shes like really obsessed with me,but i like it?
this girl i met at my job gave me her number.She has a boyfriend,and she was extremely happy when i text her the first time i met her.she txt me OMG hey,ever since that,she been texting me every day,every second of the day,and i like the attention,its like if i dont text her sometime,she would txt me TLK TO ME.i like it,she told me her boyfriend act like he dont care,and if me and her were to get together after they break up,would i care?and i told her yeah,after a while she asked me this cause we been talkin bout a month now,and i told her im lookin for realness,she said she was too,she said shes looking for someone to hold her hand in public,take her out,treat her the right way,and the guy shes with dosent do that.So she told me shes really starting to fall for me and she really dont wanna be wit no one else,i asked her what about these other guys she go to school wit,cause shes 17 bout to be 18,n im 19,n she said she dont care,cause she`ll wait on me definetly,she wants a guy to treat her right,and she said she kno i can do that,she said she know i wont mess over her,i told her she must be heaven sent cause this is what i have been lookin for,so to make a long story short,i always make her feel good and comfortable she tell me.and she sends me pictures like not full naked pictures but pics of her body,when she get out the tub etc. and also talks about future kids,she wanna make babies with me,she always have dreams about me,and she tells me shes so wet for me...this is too good to be true...should i wait on her,cause im starting to like her too in more ways like feelings for her...also,she lives with her friend`s mom,who is her boyfriend`s mom as well,and shes from another state,so its like if she breaks up with him,there people may kick her out,and shes gonna be homeless,cause she has only an auntie out here,and she got into some stuff with her,and she kicked her out,shes a troubled girl thats been through a lot,and her mom passed as its a lot more than just breaking up with her ol man,cause i dont have a place,but she said if i did or when i do,shes knows she`ll have somewhere to stay or else she`ll be homeless...she said her man dont treat her right,and she hasnt broke up with him yet cause she gotta live with them,but she wants us to take it slow anyway,n get to know each otha more,even though she flits with me like crazy...and also her boyfriend lied to her and is seeing another girl,his ex,but thats a longgg story,and she said that really hurted her so...
What way I could act mature I'm 23 years old and sometimes I like little kids shows that is normal?
but how can I acted my age without yelling and screaming it's just when this girl wouldn't give me space I yell and scream but when I do that then she doesn't listen she I know I already said this but when I speak up she changes the subject she won't let me do anything that I want to do and she thinks that I'm 100 pr sent shy I'm one of those half shy and half not I could be annoying but she wouldn't let me talk she doesn't like annoying people and she is. I can't talk about her tell staff tell my mom and dad I did that ten million times but they don't care and they won't do anything about it theirs nothing no one can't do anything she thinks I'm a baby and she is and when I hit her she'll hit me back anyways she hit one of my friend and my friend hit her back and she told staff on her and she ending up going to the mental hospital I don't want to go their what should I do? I just want to be friendly and nice to her but when ever I do that then she thinks we're friends and in the first place we not and when ever I scream she comes closer to me and she thinks she's better than me when ever she doesn't do like call me alot the staff says she hasn't called you in a while and they give me crap she hasn't done this or that but when ever I hadn't do anything in a while like tell staff they think that she's miss little angle but not they also say she won't do that and she would I know she hasn't done nothing to me but it's still on my mind about she got her way out of it no one believes me or understands me how should I get them to believe me and understand me?
Apple Bottom Jeans/Baby Phat Jeans?
are they buttt lifting jeans or regular jeans?
Does using a sunblock mainly for babies still be effective on an adult?
Yes, typically 'baby' formulas just contain less irritating ingredients and are gentler on the skin.
Could i be pregnant? :/?
I had unprotected sex on the 26th of January, it was the first day of my period so was only light spotting during sex... i was on my period for 6 days as normal.. But what i want to know is what are the chances of me being pregnant? and when can i take a test to find out? do i have to wait until my next period to see if im pregnant? I already have a 6 month old baby and am just worried... i havent spoken to my other half about this either as i dont want to worry him if im not pregnant... Any advice wpuld be much appreciated Thankyou x
How come the only funny jokes are rude?
I think the mean jokes are more like stereotypes; and our generation we grow up learning these stereotpyes. So when it comes to insutling jokes, its funny.
Cosleeping with more than one child...?
It is highly not suggested to cosleep with an infant, adult beds arent made the same way as infant beds for a reason, hundreds of babies suffocate on mattress covers every year, plus theres always the risk of a parent rolling in their sleep, or the babies face getting caught on loose bedding. If you choose to cosleep, thats fine, not my thing, but I dont care what you do, but its suggested by doctors to have them in a separate crib or bassinet next to the bed at first, then move them in the bed when they are old enough to handle normal bedding, alert you if they are in danger, and most of all, roll away if their airway is blocked, its just basic safety. I know it probably wouldnt happen, but is it really worth risking it?
What temp should i keep a baby budgie at on hatch day?Also when they hatch do they immediately need a feeding?
Need to know what temp the hatched bird needs to be at..right now i have the eggs a little over 70 degrees with a heatbag and blanket in a drawer..also when they hatch can i still close the drawer to keep them warm or do i need to work out a different living arrangement? And i need to know if the bird is hungry right away when hatched.
Could i be pregnant? please answer?
If you are, then flush it out.
Help My psp Wont turn on?
did u put revert the battery back to its original state, it seems like u still have it set as a tool battery or ur using a pandora battery witch does not boot the PSP to the XMB
What does Antz do in BrokeNCYDE?
Okay well there are 4 members of the band. Se7en, Mikl, Antz, and Phat Jay. (Sorry if I spelled their names wrong D: ) Well I was wondering.... what the heck does Antz do in the band? I never see him in any of their music videos, or singing on stage. But I see him in pictures and some other stuff... But I never see him doing anything. What does he do in the band?
Which Designer for new Handbag...?
is your favorite??? i'm splurging on a new spring handbag...just wanted some ideas. What is your favorite between Chanel, Coach and Burberry, or your favorite otherwise?
I need a new name for my fat cat, can you help?
Amadeus or Ruddiger.
What is a good way to make money on runescape?
i have decided i want a phat, i have a bout 7m cash now. i would like to get the money so i cn get a santa of phat. i have 88 wc. but if there is some other way than that. my user is jojojo357 so high score me to see my stats. i am a member. i will not merch or flip. so please just some easy ideas to get 100m in 1 month please
Is buying replica handbags online from china illegal?
I'm thinking to buy a knock off handbag from this website that i think is located in china. ( it is for my own use and not to resell. Will it have a problem at US customs office?
I dont know who my baby daddy is.?
I am married to a man I detest(call it due to family pressure). I regret it every day of my life, but what can I do, I can't leave him(though that's what I want the most). U see, I come from a very traditional home. The marriage has turned me into what I detest the most, a cheating wife, but dats d only time I eva have any semblance of happiness and I actually feel alive. Now, I'm pregnant and I'm not sure who my baby daddy is. You see, I saw my period on the 14th or 15th of Nov. Slept with my hubby on the 26th of Nov, but equally had unprotected sex wit my lover on the 1st of dec. 2 wks later, I started having pregnancy symptoms. Had 2 home tests and 1 at the hospital, all negative. On the 22nd of dec(11 days late), I saw my period, but it was not the usual flow. But I figured I was not pregnant anymore and went on with business as usual. Since then I've not seen my period and when I was ovulating(assumed I ovulated btw the 1st of jan and d 6th of the same month), I slept with no one. I slept with my boyfriend on the 17 of january. I've done 2 pregnancy tests and a scan and I'm pregnant. The scan only showed a gestational sac(that's the first stage). Please can anybody help me. Could I have been pregnant all along, since december. please I need to know, not cos I care what my husband will do, but cause of the shame I will face. If I conceived in dec, I will be ok with it, but if I conceived in january, then I can't keep the baby, cos it will be so obvious that the baby is not his. I hope to leave my husband one day, but I need to be stronger first(to face whateva issues might arise with my family wen I divorce him).
How does visitation work if the father lives in another state?
Ok so I live in Pa and he lives in CA. How is visitation going to work? Do I have to let my infant child be away from me for weeks on end? Does he have to come here? I'm trying not to be selfish about this honestly but at the same time i'm not comfortable letting my baby go for weeks out of the year. I mean I barely know this guy and it was an accidental pregnancy idk how he'll be with the baby when its born and idk how to get over these fears. I mean he doesn't even bother talking to me about the pregnacy he just kind of asks how the drs goes once in a while. He has a fiancee and I also don't feel comfortable about having her around the baby but I know that she will be an I can do nothing about it. I don't like the way she thinks she has a say in this childs life when she doesn't and knowing that if she told him not to be in its life he wouldn't. I mean what kind of man does that make him? It's his baby and should be his decision but he's leaving it up to her. I don't know how to get over these fears I have and I'm already having a difficult pregnancy without this stuff stessing me out. If I don't put him on the birth certificate and don't ask for child support can I just cut him out all together? Because I'm really not letting my baby go all the way across the country without me. Also how is it getting there? I don't drive and I doubt he'd have time to drive pick it up and take it back there. So sorry to ramble just answer how the visitation will work.
Titties and booty all day?
Okay, so i have like a big phat ***. & Supposedly a bubble butt! My titties are big too. Guys in P.E. sit and watch me run so they can see my titties flop around! & See my *** cheeks when i wear my shorts! The attention is awesome!! They also slap my *** a lot, and like they call my name and make movements like they wanna butt **** me!? Is that wrong, i mean.. the guys are hot.. i wouldn't mind if they grabbed my **** or butt. I mean they already grab it alot hahaha. They also watch me do my push ups. & they watch me stretch.. and i kinda just pull my shorts up more for em? ;) hahahaa. im tooo naughtyy! ;)
My baby's dad is left handed.. how big are the chances of my baby also being left handed?
50/50 baby either will or wont
Why does my psp fat sometimes shutsdown all by its self?
Sometime it shuts down automatically even if the charger is connected. I bought a brand new battery and it still sometimes shuts down. How do I fix this? My psp is a Fat(phat). The version is Prome 4.
I just hope that Cleveland keeps losing?
... at least until they play the Wizards on Sunday. My Wizards have not won a single road game yet. Sunday baby, there's our chance!!! it possible for a "phat" girl to make herself look sexier for her man?
I am overweight and want to look sexier for my husband, I ask him what he likes and he says just relax..and be so are there any tricks a chubby girl can do to look more tempting?
Friday, March 4, 2011
Can I call my company phat baby or fhat baby?
I'm starting a new online business and I'm aware of Baby Phat fashion by kimora lee simmons. I was just wondering how liable am I for trademark issues if I change it to phat baby or fhat baby or something else with fat and baby on it! thank you
I Am Number Four Trailer Music?
There is this solid dubstep track being played during the trailer with really heavy phat bass drops , id really like to know the name of the song and the composer.
Which is the nicest handbag?
can i just say i absolutely love gay guys! they actually have fashion sense, not to be stereotypical or anthing! :) xx and anyway...yeah i would go for the union jack one. its more classy! and would totally look great on your shoulder ;L xxx
Which eyeglasses do you like the best?
3. They don't have nosepads and those types of glasses always look cooler.
Nintendo dsi or psp phat?
Hey guys i have a psp phat and i wanto to sell it to buy an nintendo dsi !is this right decision or not?which is better?in psp there are no many titles!and no famous title for the future
How can i make a fake Baby pic of me?
Okay i cant find a baby pic of me but is there any thing that will make me look like a baby from a pic uploader in the internet Help! Thanks
What causes OCD and compulsions?
I have compulsions to buy more than one thing when shopping. Or I will return something and run back and buy it back cause it bothers me. I am not sure why I have OCD? I have 3 kids, 2 of whom are autistic. I am very overloaded and no help except from my husband. My mother is useless. I haven't had a day off in 10 years because I have no one to take my kids and give me relief. The only relief I get is now school that they are in elementary school. The thing is my OCD seems to be getting worse. I'll be leaving the house with my husband and have to go back and check the door several times. OR I'll check my kids at night and double check and triple check and more their window locks to make sure they are locked. I also, check the stove a million times before bed. Does anyone know what is the main cause of OCD. Also, when I go shopping if I see a sale, I have to buy the item (not just one handbag), but everyone in every color. Why is that. I guess I need that full feeling. Any suggestions what kind of OCD this is or why? Any advice is appreciated.
Baby names for girls?
Any girl names that would go good with the middle name Thelma or Thelmarie?
Pregnant with twins and ready to call it quits!!!?
My ex-boyfriend and I have a 5 year old son, and have twin boys on the way. My ex hadn't been a part of our sons life much, and had little to no financial responsibility for him either. About two years ago he filed for visitations, which was strange because I never told him he couldn't see the baby, but I did let him know that he needed to be financially responsible as well as be there for the baby. I guess he thought that it would be easier for him to file court papers and go to court. I didn't fuzz or anything because I figured finally he wants to be a good father to our son. We went to mediation where we settled visitation, and later court decided on child support 250 per month. Well little Mr. never picked up our son or paid child support. I was mad because honestly it was a pain in the *** going back and forth to court. The case was a year and a half went by, and by this time they had suspended his driving privileges. I had really put everything behind me because well my son knew very little of him and was more attached and still is more close to my father. I got a summons to appear in court because of the child support issue. My ex was about to go to jail because he owed me more than 4,000 dollars in child support. I was really just fed up with interviews and court and all sorts of questions about him. At this time the child support office had the case and was the one filing everything for court. He asked me if we could settle it privately and I agreed, I was tired of court and just wanted it all to just go away. In the beginning he did start paying the child support to me but he stopped a couple of months later. I didn't get mad or anything I knew it was kinda too good to be true. He later came and told me that he had gotten a divorce from his then wife, apparently she asks for allot of money for their two kids. I felt bad for him, i was just really ready to put it all behind me and get on with my life. So time went by and he text-ed more often usually asked about our son, I was like ok? Then he asked about me. I figured that to him I had become that shoulder to cry on I tried to convince him to go back to his ex and try to work things out with her. He refused pride or something. The point is before I knew it I was his best friend and I was stuck in a relationship that I did and didn't want to be a part of. In part it was great because we hanged with our son. But it was also weird because I wasn't sure how long it would last. I started to feel myself fall for him again, so asked him for space. But it didn't last long because he'd surprise me at work and at home. I guess I allowed myself to fall for him despite everything. We began dating and messing around. Well needless to say we didn't use protection, and now we're pregnant again. In the beginning he wanted me to have an abortion. I told him that if he didn't want to be a part of our new baby's life it wouldn't be a big deal for me considering that he wasn't there for our first son. After a while he started coming around to the idea of being a father for the fourth time. And he moved in with me. On our 20 week ultrasound we found out we were having twin boys, He again kinda pulled away. We're 27 weeks pregnant now and he still can't deal with the idea of us having twins. I have bought everything for the twins. The only thing that he's done for them was paint their room. But i had to practically beg him to do it. I'm honestly getting tired I realize that our relationship moved along kinda quick but honestly you think he'd get with the program. I just don't think we're going to make each other happy. The question is I honestly think that my sons should carry my last name. I feel really confused because for one i would like my sons to know that yes they are all from the same dad. But in the other hand i don't feel like he deserves that privilege to call himself my sons father. Oh in case your wondering he's been cheating on me with internet girls and his ex so no there is no way we're getting back together.
Where can i find cute purse/handbags that dont break me.?
i need a new purse /handbag that i can afford all the cute ones are all over 50 bucks and i dont have that kind of money to be spending on purses. so if you know somewhere online or some store i can get them cheaper that would be great!
What age will my baby start to smile?
It really just depends on the baby. My son started smiling at 2 months.
I am looking for the name of brand of one fabric ladies handbag with brown leather handles?
sounds like longchamp
Culturally speaking: Why do black women love to wear spandex tights?
and it always says "Phat baby' on the butt area.
Do you think the clothing brand baby phat is trashy?
Im surprised Kimora is so rich and she has tacky clothes. Is she even aware that her things are trashy?
Does my boyfriend actually care about me?
Give him a chance and yourself to break that insecurity. Experience is always a good thing. But since you're insecure as well it also helps with your limits and boundaries. Just know when it's too far. =]
How do you know if a guy is gay or bisexual?
I have a so called friend. He claims that he isn't gay and that he LOVES girls and pussy (which I dont disbelieve). But there have been time where he would say curtain comments to me. (ex. He would call me PHAT BOI, and also call me cowboy as well.) When I asked him about all of this stuff he's done, she would just say, "Im just playing with you." Also he would get mad if anyone else and/or I would called him those terms (PHAT BOI/Cowboy)
Do you think someone will trade this with me for a ps3?
No, i dont think so as these items are rather old, unlike the ps3, which cost over �200
What could be the cause of sudden weight loss?
I've been breastfeeding my baby girl since she was born 2 months ago. I started birth control pills 3 weeks ago. I started exercising 4 weeks ago, but didn't exercise at all this week and didn't change my eating habits. I had sex several times the last couple weeks since starting birth control. (it said I only needed to use protection for 7 days) Yet, I lost 5 pounds this week. Seems a little strange. Anyone bored enough to answer?
39weeks pregnant and can't sleep help?
I'm 39 weeks 3 days pregnant and haven't slept more than 4 hours a night in the last 4 weeks and it's starting to knock me about. I have tried keeping myself bust throughout the day to tire myself out and it makes me extremely tired but I still can't sleep, iv tried baths with lavender essential oils, relaxation music. I'm getting to the point that I want to wake up my partner who sleeps like a baby just to make him suffer to lol. I'm also getting very emotional and I cry a lot because I'm so tired. Any tricks or advice would be highly appreciated.
Sau khi lắc vòng đi tiêu ra máu?
Toi la nam, 15 tuổi tôi có tập chơi lắc vòng khi do toi phat hien ra minh di tieu ra mau. Sau do toi ngung choi thi khong con bi nua. Thoi gian gan day toi lai di tieu ra mau. Toi co the bi benh gi?
My sons girlfriend is pregnant we fear for her health? ?
I and my husband are concerned about my sons girlfriend 17 she is 3 months pregnant with our sons child. My son died in a car accident he was 19 one week after he death his girlfriend found out that she is pregnant. I fear for her health and the babies health because she doesn't do anything all she dose is stay home and cry all the time and hardly eats anything he old brother tells us. My husband and I try everything to help her she just doesn't have interest in anything she also quite school. We lost our son but I know that it is harder for her because her parents were killed in a car accident when she was 13 she lives with her brother and he has taken a few months off work because he is really scared to leave he alone. We don't want her to feel like she is alone my husband and I will always be there for her no matter what. I need some advice? I don't know what to do to help her? We don't want to see her hurt she is like our daughter and we love and care for her. My husband wants to have nurses care for her 24 hours a day. We just don't know what to do? �
Was it too early to take the hpt?
Read the whole thing! It says you can test early BUT with only like 30% accuracy.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Is this what westerners think about Muslims?
I don't think that, but by all appearances a lot of my fellow westerners do (or at least, they think things similar to that)
How can I get over this terrifying experience?
Psycho therapy works wonders. See a psychiatrist, they can write meds if need be. A psychologist can not. Either way therapy will do you wonders with either one. Also, look for a support group online or in the papers - that's free and will also greatly help. His words were to frighten and control you - control is part of this psychopaths rush. Have a security alarm installed in your home, so at least there you can feel safe and sleep. Call the police station, or better yet go there from time-to-time. If you befriend an officer, you could ask him to pass by your house ever-so-often which is a great deterrent to any criminal out there (not just the man that attacked you) and that too will give you peace of mind. You have suffered a great tragedy and you do need to do the suggested first sentences, asap. Travel/walk/drive with a friend, that will help ease your fear too. These things take time and work, but you will overcome! I am so sorry this happened to you and it is normal for you to feel this way.
Should we all recommend the Super gran 'Hand-Bag-Lady' for a medal?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
People Say I Act White.....?
How you act or dress does not matter. Your race does not determine anything about you other than your skin color, and it is very ignorant of your fellow students to not expect you to act like who you are.
What should I wear today?
In my closet I have:A checkers black and hello kitty shirt (Yes I love her ha ha),pink and blue blouse,DKNY purple long sleeve shirt,green long sleeve shirt with gems (I like to wear this shirt on Christmas,denim shirt,baby phat tank top,jordan jacket,3 turtle neck sweat long sleeve shirts-Pink,Purple and cream,5 or 6 skinny jeans,Purple,Black,Blue,Striped Polo's,Pink hello kitty shirt,White long sleeve shirt with green and pink in it,3 short cut jackets-Red one with hood,Black without hood,and purple without hood,2 hoodie shirts-Pink and yellow,Baby phat coat,4 rocawear jackets,2 black boots,all star gray and black shoes,coach red and black shoes,high top red and black pastry.
I have baby butdiferent?
I have baby but diferent face n blod so it Ny baby
Going on a vacation for a week...Will they confiscate my Blowdryer and flat iron at the airport?
No they wont. they confiscate knives, baseball bats and liquids in larger than 3 oz containers
Trung du va mien nui bac bo co nhung tai nguyen nao quan trong trong su phat trien?
tra loi som dum .cau hoi lop 9 ak thu 2 thi oy` hjchjc
Why do my friend couple act like this?any idea?
It appears that they are not doing well in their relationship. Well, its their personal matter. You can't do much to help them. Even then, try to talk to them about this if you can.
How do i connect this bluetooth earpiece to my PSP?
I need to connect this, , to my PSP phat. i could connect it to my ps3 but i have no clue for PSP. HELP ME I WANNA COMMUNICATE!
My 3 month old daughter has a bad cough/congestion and is wheezing?
she has had this problem since birth and has been hospitalized twice for a week at a time for it. She occasionally stops breathing and her heartrate decelerates because of it. they have diagnosed her with bad acid reflux (GERD) and say this is the cause. My concern is that on top of this she is always seeming to get sick. She is breastfed which should help her not get as many colds but she seems to catch one once every 2-3 weeks. She is always veeeery congested and has a horrible cough. She is taking prilosec and reglan and uses a nebulizer and she still has these problems. My question is, am I missing something? Has anyone experienced the same thing with their baby? It just seems like maybe there's an underlying condition that I'm not thinking of. Anybody have any suggestions? Thank you in advance
Why can't i get more than 4oz in my baby?
He's 14 weeks now and every time we give him more than a 4oz bottle he's violently sick, doc's said reflux and prescribed gaviscon but we've not seen a difference, went back and told nothing wrong with him. anyone else ever come across this..? health visitor suggested we may have to wean early as i'm having to feed him 5 times between 7pm and 7am, after midnight wakes every 2 hours, so hungry more little man
My xbox 360 is broken!!! :( i got all my downloadable games on it!!!!?
all the game stores near me only sells the new xbox 360 Slim, and it's not compatible with my current old xbox 360 hard drive!!! all my games is in that hard drive! I don't have access to a credit card so I can't buy old phat xbox 360 on ebay.. I don't want to pay again for all the games that I've downloaded..
Can someone tell me which juicy couture purse is the cutest????Plezz?(links)?
i like the gray one.
How come my PS 3 40 gb Phat always make a loud fan noise when i started to play game?
It's a no biggie, the fan is simply keeping the PS3 cool to prevent overheat. I have the same model from gamestop it happens to me too. Your ears will adapt, i would however Try to look for an intercooler and also check the air temp thats leaving the playstation. If you feel that the Playstation will or does have a fan problem take it in to the gamestop from where you got it and ask some questions or even exchange it.
My 6mnth old baby has a cough n is now runnin a 1oo.o temp..should i take him to the E.R?
Closest hospital is 1hr away!/
Im having some trouble matching clothes with this one pair of shoes?
uhm... anything would match them? they're freakin' black and white!
Why can't I buy just one?
I have a problem that when I go shopping I have to buy every color of something, etc. Whether its a sweater or jacket. Especially if it is a good deal, even if I don't need it, I feel like I am going to lose out if I don't buy it. I also feel I will never see the item again if I don't get it then on sale. This has caused my draws to be overloaded and closets overloaded. The problem is I use to be able to return easily. Now I have a hard time returning something. It is very hard for me to bring something back. What is my problem? This has been very emotional for me. Especially when I know my receipt is going to expire and I can't return something after a certain date. I get very stressed between going and returning something for the money or keeping it. Its not that I need the item. Its just that it is on sale and I may see a designer handbag that retails for $300 on sale for $100. It is hard for me to resist. Then I feel guilty about buying something I don't need. I can't seem to make any decisions. I am paralyzed. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.
What is fat...........................…
what is fat or phat?
Honestly asking all Black ( or anyone actually ) people - Is this a racist statement?
Um date and have kids whoever you like. No one gives a shyt at the end of the day, I got to finish my studies and go to bed, good night.
My son was killed in a car accident a week after his girlfriend found out that she pregnant?
I and my husband are concerned about my sons girlfriend 17 she is 3 months pregnant with our sons child. My son died in a car accident he was 19 one week after he death his girlfriend found out that she is pregnant. I fear for her health and the babies health because she doesn't do anything all she dose is stay home and cry all the time and hardly eats anything he old brother tells us. My husband and I try everything to help her she just doesn't have interest in anything she also quite school. We lost our son but I know that it is harder for her because her parents were killed in a car accident when she was 13 she lives with her brother and he has taken a few months off work because he is really scared to leave he alone. We don't want her to feel like she is alone my husband and I will always be there for her no matter what. I need some advice? I don't know what to do to help her? We don't want to see her hurt she is like our daughter and we love and care for her. My husband wants to have nurses care for her 24 hours a day. We just don't know what to do? �
A couple friend of mine act in this way.what does this mean?
this couple is married for 3 years(my male friend was a playboy nd is quite rich).my friend takes her to some events but when they are asked to pose for pictures they just stand together and pose without holding each other by the waist or shoulder or anything but when the husband poses with other women he holds them by the shoulder.and he keeps talking about his 2 yr old daughter and has posts only his daughter and his own pictures on social networking sites but doesn't mention his wife at all and rumors float around that his wife has had a baby with somebody else.he has a tattoo with his wife's name but its hardly visible.only if you through a lot of light then its visible .once there was a pic with his wife in which he did hold her by the neck with hands entwined but in that too he was looking elsewhere and it looked very artificial.a week ago they went for some formal event where again the wife posed with her arms folded while my frnd had his hands in his pocket though they stood together.whats this?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Which of these two baby names do you like? Advise?
David, or Luke. the last name will be Holmes or Campbell-Holmes. middle name might be Matthew but im not sure yet. This is my first baby, and i am Bisexual. Also does anyone have any advise on how to make sure my kid is accepting of homosexuals. i do not want my kid to be ignorant about it. How would i talk to my kid about it?
They never believe I am 14!!!!!?
I am a very tall girl and I am 14 but I am in grade 7 and I act very babyish but now I am trying to act a bit mature but in my school all the girls in grade 8 and 9 are between the age 13-15 and when we talk to them (me and my friends) they say you wouldn't understand you are too small so i just go like btw I am 14 and they get shocked and go like OMG wow they think I am a baby even my cousins
Like omygossh! someone help me, I weight 102 pounds! why am i so phat?
how can I lose weight?
Duc Phat A Di Da va Duc Phat Thich Ca Mau Ni co giong nhau khong?
Nam mo A Di Da Phat
Does low sex drive mean low testosterone?
I have a low sex drive lack of morning erections porn doesn't turn me on anymore and I don't care about sex.I could live without it.I been feeling this was since I was 15 I am now 20.Yesterday I seen this phat but girl walk in front of me and I got a erection.And the only way I can keep a erection is with constant stimulation.If I stop masturbating it goes down like 2 minutes after.I also I have a 6mm pituitary microadenoma.
What are some exercises that focus on the belly only?
I want to flatten my stomach, possibly get some abs, but I want to keep my butt , what exercises can I do that will allow my butt to stay big and "phat"??? Thankkyuu :)
Am i stupid or afraid?
well how to say this, there this xpecific chick dat im really attach to. we had a history together, but we aint together as in a couple, wat sux is dat we are kids no more we both have jobs, not an awsome well pay job just a job. well she works on morning n i afternoons soo our communication went down alot but sumhow da spark still there. she says i love u n she needs me but we cant b together cause of her baby daddy. long story short he threatends her by taking her bsby if she goes wit me, anywayz there is this other chick i set ma eyez to, she is a mom too but difference is dat her baby daddy is a runaway, im interested in this chick but i dunt wanna lose wat i have wit the other one. am i afraid of starting over? or the fact she says i love u keeps me from seing ppl? im sooo confuse
Has anyone tried the 2 day diet pill?
I was jus wondering.... My brother took these pills lost 20 lbs in one month I was jus wondering have they work on anyone else.. I jus had a baby I was planning on getting these pills and excercising
Ever had an obsessive friend? What did you do?
Ok, I have a friend, she's fun to hang out with at most times but she was watching me play kingdom hearts one day and she said she wanted to play and so we created a new game for her but now I regret doing that cause now when she comes over all she does is hog the computer, and play KH allllllllll damn day and I'm just sitting there bored as hell and doing nothing except getting somewhat dirty looks and a really annoying attitude from telling her that she needs to do something to get somewhere in the game. BUT she's been like obsessed with my house since we first met, like the second time we hung out three hours of being in my house she wanted to live here, and my mom made us a snack and there were two blue toothpicks and two green and I said "Ooh! I want the blue ones!" and I swear she rushed her hands from being away from the plate, to gripping the sides so I couldn't turn it towards me and she almost fought me for the blue ones because she didn't like green! only for that reason! and I split them so I would have one blue, and green and so would she so it would be even and I felt and think she was staring, no, Glaring at me the whole time we ate! and we took her to a superbowl party my mom's friend was throwing and my mom's friend got quite tipsy and started making a big deal of her not smiling because she was literally being a baby and not smiling even after me and my mom explained that she would stop touching her face and trying to get her to smile if she would, but noooooo she HAD to be ****** with because she wouldn't! and this is starting to sound like a rant... but but we took her home yesterday i think and she's asked me if she could come over like 3-4 times even after I gave her an answer! My brother, my sister AND her boyfriend all have said that she gives them dirty looks all the time! My sister and her boyfriend have only met her once but they got really uncomfortable and before her and my sister even met she acted like she was one of her best friends, she added her on Facebook, she commented on her posts like she actually knew her, and I didn't notice until recently but my mom told me she reads my texts over my shoulder, and she really does! and one night she was taking a shower after me and she told me to get her in five minutes(Not a big deal most of my friends do that) but I asked her if I could go on the computer and she said "sure but be off and back on my account by the time I'm out." with a dead serious face! At MY house! and all of this is reallllllly starting to Freak me the **** out.. and i don't know what to do! Not to mention she goes through my **** instead of waking me up!, never says please or thank you and acts like I'm her dog sometimes! and! takes little jokes that were funny for a moment and repeats it over and over and OVER again until it really isn't funny anymore and she's done this with EVERY joke she's made with me and jokes that I made with my other friends that we've mentioned in front of her like once and she acts like she was there right when it happened and part of it!
What does Phat mean??????????
Usually it means-Excellent; first-rate: can also be Pretty Hot And Tempting
How Do I Use GBA Emulator on PSP 1000 Firmware 6.2?
I have a PSP PHAT ver 6.2 and I wanna know if there is some way of using A GBA emulator on it
What would you say is a fair price for my ps3 bundle?
For a quick sale I think you might struggle there, I'd say 350's a fair price but you might have to wait a while before someone fronts up the cash. Especially since it's a 40 GB model, they're just as good as the new ones apart from a smaller hard drive but people consider them old tech now. Also they just ain't as sexy as the new slim ones.
Which is the baby phat fashion show when all the models have long straight hair with blunt bangs?
Please help! Which fashion show was it? Thank You! xoxoxoxoxo (:
Anyone Know About Brazilian Jeans 10Pts?
how is brazilian jeans better than baby phat or apple bottom jeans?? and why is it so expensive?
How do i connect my computer to my ps3 through my wireless router?
I have movies saved on my computer and would like to play them through my PS3 onto my TV. Is there an easy way to do this through the wireless router or do I have to physically connect my PC to my PS3. My PS3 is a big old phat one.
What is the difference between thick and fat?
and my boyfriend is always telling me im phat what does that mean???
Who is the best out of these artists?
i only know lil bossie from the top list. sorry :/
Do you think i look fat ?? ( please help i feel horrible )?
okay first of all i have had a bump on my stomach since i was reallly young my mom said i have had it since a baby but yeah idk so i feel i look reallllllly fat so yeah please i feel so horrible about myself and i just want to know after you look at the pic if you think so and if it will ever go away ??a href="" rel="nofollow" :///
Boo, slims don't play ps2 :/ games?
simple answer, NO. the slim was designed to play only ps1 and ps3 games. there is no hide n seek here
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